Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Designs we LOVE to LOVE!

Love is in the air... And just like everybody else, February makes us all twitterpated. But you don't need to put little love hearts in your henna designs to make them "romantic". Henna is a beautiful art that evokes romance in its own right. Femininity and sensuality are natural aspects of henna, regardless of what type of design elements you are using.

Here's just a few of our inspirations this month, from some of our favorite global artists!

This is a design by @anoushka_irukandji, one of our favorite antipodean artists. She creates structured and symmetrical pieces that recreate motifs found in nature as well as recalling ancient bronze metalworks. Her Australian roots show, too, in the patters and fills she uses.

This amazing design is by Fatima Oulad Thami, and you can follow her work at @hand.of.fatima She is an incredible Moroccan artist who lives in the Netherlands. She uses glass syringes to make these awesome geometric pieces. And just check out her stain! We love how red this design looks and how sweetly it plays with the hand. 

This collaboration was by Veronica Lilu and Levgeniia Fyokla out in Ukraine! We absolutely love these open and light styles. They are so romantic and simple, and can make your hand look so beautiful. Thanks for the fantastic share! You can find more  at @fyoklamehndi

Know any artists we should check out? We love seeing the work of henna artists, and seeing women connecting all over the world. Its incredible how henna brings so many people together in celebration and love. Let us know your favorites so they can be our favorites too!

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